Thanksgiving is a holiday steeped in tradition. It's one of those days where I think most people have the same idea of what's expected and what they'll be doing. Usually it isn't a surprise what you're going to be doing, and who you'll be spending it with. So I thought I'd ask you guys what those plans are.

For years and years, my mother was the one who did the Thanksgiving meal. It wouldn't be a huge affair, it would mostly be my immediate family and my maternal grandmother. But we'd still have the festivities and the leftovers. There would be turkey, noodles, broccoli, stuffing, potatoes, rolls, the whole works.

Now that Mom is gone, the last few years have fluctuated in terms of our family plans. Sometimes I do the Thanksgiving meal, sometimes my sister does it, and sometimes I host it, or we'll trade Thanksgiving for Christmas.

I know everyone has their own traditions, and their own ideas of what they expect and what they plan to do. So what are you doing this year? Are you making a big meal at your house, or going to someone else's house? Are you even doing a huge meal, or is it just a smaller normal meal? Tell me all about it!

Thankfully yours,

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