Kids, today on the Stash we're gonna talk a bit about a group we do play from time to time here on Bob. 

Keane are a British band that I've liked since their first album, 'Hopes and Fears.'  It came out in 2004 or so, and you probably have heard the main hit from that album, "Somewhere Only We Know."  It's been on Glee and in commercials and stuff.  They've been compared a bit to Coldplay and Radiohead, but I think that's just because they're English and the main dude is a higher tenor.  But other than that I don't think they're much alike.  Keane are a trio, comprising of a singer, Tom, a keyboardist/instrumentalist, Tim, and a drummer, Richard.  They're not related or anything, I just can't remember their last names, and if we're honest, I'm too lazy to go look.

I saw them live in about 2006 with my friends Robyn and Joe, and it was very impressive.  They had a crazy big light show, which is not something you'd expect from a kind of somber, introspective songwriting trio.  But it was very good, and they've put out four albums, and an EP and done quite a bit of touring over the last few years.  They've had some troubles (Tom's alcoholism battle/rehab) but they've always done great, interesting music.  Tonight I thought we'd pull my favorite track of off their second album, 'Under The Iron Sea.'

It's called "Atlantic," and it's about that kind of loneliness that you can only get either by staring at at vastness of the Atlantic, or by being a human being who is sad and alone in the wee hours of the night.  I think we've all been there.

Atlantically yours,

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