Here in Sedalia, we now have several very nice schools for our children.  When I was a kid, they would break you up into different schools and then send you on based on the grade.  

All the way back in the Nineteen Hundred and Eighties,  we would attend Heber Hunt Elementary School from Kindergarten through the 3rd grade.



When you got into fourth and fifth grade,  if you were on our side of town you went to Horace Mann Elementary for your next step.



Then, for your Middle School years, you indeed went to the Sedalia Middle School,  and then SCHS and that was all there was to it.  And we liked it!

Now it's much different, but the education is still received by all the children of the area, and they can rest assured they will never be as cute as I was back in the days before I became an adult.



Seriously.  How did I go from that, to this?

If you make that face, it'll stay that way.

Well, if you want to relive your earlier years and you grew up in Sedalia, there's a good chance you went to Horace Mann, and there's a better chance you might want to attend this event.  The Horace Mann school is celebrating their 100th birthday.  They're inviting former students and staff to join them for their 100th party on Friday, May 4th beginning at 5:30.  They're going to dedicate the new playground.

I remember playing on the parallel bars at that playground, and that my friends and I would attempt to do different "tricks" and "routines" on them that basically amounted to getting a lot of callouses and blisters on your hands and bragging about it.

Anyway, at 6 they'll have their actual events, with a cookout and games and performances in the gym.  The next day they'll have a pancake breakfast at Applebee's from 8 am to 10 am, and then after that they'll do tours and such at the school til about noon.

You can visit their website for more information or find them at Horace Mann's PTA on Facebook.

Elementarily yours,


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