Here are a few ways the weather can impact your health:  Cooler temperatures can help you sleep and hurricanes and tornadoes can lead to anxiety and substance abuse.

I don't know about you, but the cooler weather of fall is always my favorite time of the year.  It's cool enough to just be cool enough - not too cold, and not too warm. And now here we are in the gross cold, and it makes me cranky.  And not just cranky! Here are five ways the weather can impact your health.

1.  Cooler temperatures can help you sleep.  According to a researcher at the National Sleep Foundation, the ideal temperature for sleeping is 60 to 68 degrees.  That's because when your body cools down, it preps your brain for sleep.

2.  Extreme weather could lead to psychological problems.  People who live in areas that are susceptible to hurricanes or tornadoes are at a higher risk for mental issues.

And according to a report from the National Wildlife Federation, approximately 200 million Americans may have psychological problems such as anxiety or substance abuse due to weather-related issues.

3.  Sunny days are linked with a mood boost.  A study at the University of Michigan found that people who spend at least half an hour outdoors in sunny weather had happier moods than people who didn't.

4.  Your blood pressure is lower in the summer.  Research shows that your blood pressure drops in the summer due to a change in atmospheric pressure.  In the winter, lower temps cause your blood vessels to narrow, which can increase pressure.

5.  Hotter temperatures may put you in the mood.  Research has found that men's testosterone levels tend to spike around June each year, and so do women's hormone levels linked to ovulation.  Good?  I guess.

I'll keep my fall weather, thanks.

Autumnly yours,


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