Each year Better Country KIX 105, 92.3 BOB FM and Newstalk 1050 KSIS love to track Santa Claus on Christmas Eve. I am pleased to tell you that he is in full Christmas toymaking mode.  The North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) has put into place the holiday countdown and has games and daily activities for kids and adults.

The big event to follow is when Santa Claus makes his trek from the North Pole, and NORAD will be sure to follow with pinpoint accuracy as to where he is in the world and at key landmarks at Noradsanta.org.   They'll have videographers ready to try and take video of Jolly Old Saint Nicholas as he flies around the world. That coverage will begin at Midnight on Dec. 24.

Better Country, KIX 105, 92.3 BOB-FM and Newstalk 1050 will bring you coverage of the stops on our websites.  Make it a family tradition and tell us about it.

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