Regifting To A Whole New Level: Gifting to…Yourself?
I won't pretend I'm above a re-gifting situation. Sometimes, you get a very nice gift, but you have no practical use for it. So then, you use your savvy acumen to give that gift to someone else, who WOULD use it, right? Well. That's one thing. This is another. Instead of waiting until you get a lame present to re-gift to someone else - you buy a SWEET present for someone then give it to yourself.
A new survey by eBay found about one in three people have bought someone a Christmas present, then decided to keep it for themselves.
Now I gotta say, I have bought some presents over the years that were pretty dang sweet. I don't remember ever keeping something I bought for someone else, though.
I have bought presents for myself, yes. And shouldn't Everyone have something to open on Christmas? I mean, come on. I'm worth a few little trinkets here and there.
The survey also found about half of people have bought themselves something while they were doing their gift shopping this year. And... I admit I am guilty of that one. So many times I have been out shopping for "the family" and ended up finding that sweater I just had to have or a cute calendar for my office, or whatever it is. This is why I don't like to go shopping very often. I end up spending more money than I should! Well, really, any amount of money that I spend on personal stuff for me is probably too much.
Have you ever kept a Christmas present for yourself? Have you been tempted to maybe a couple of times?
Giftingly yours,
LOOK: Holiday gift crazes and fads of the past century
Gallery Credit: Jennnifer Billock