Scientists Have Figured Out How To Get a Song Out of Your Head
In my job, I hear a LOT of music. So I probably get a song stuck in my head maybe once a day.
There's nothing worse than having an annoying SONG stuck in your head. But if it does happen to you Google has told me that scientists have finally figured out a way to get you some peace.
Dr. Ira Hyman is a music psychologist at Western Washington University. He just finished a study that found the best way to get a song out of your head is . . . solving a puzzle that's 'sort of' hard. When you have a song stuck in your head, it's actually because that song is dominating your working memory.
When you force your brain to concentrate on something else, like a Sudoku puzzle or a video game, you can push the song out. But if you pick a puzzle or a game that's too easy or too hard, it won't engage your mind enough. So as long as it's sort of hard, it should work.
So, good luck on that.
What songs have gotten stuck in your head recently?
Musically yours,