Sedalia Parks to Residents: Stay Off The Playground
For about the last 24 hours Sedalia Parks and Recreation has been attempting to impress on those who use Sedalia Parks what you can do in the parks and what you can't do in the parks.
Yesterday, Director of Sedalia Parks and Recreation, Amy Epple wrote a short Facebook post outlining what you can do in Sedalia parks, "YOU CAN...walk in the park, ride your bike through the park, walk your dog in the park, and fish---NOTHING ELSE!" Her post went on to explain that these rules are for our safety, and the safety of the community.
Mayor John Khede touched on personal responsibility, and some peoples lack of it in his Civil Emergency Declaration:
Please note that this situation takes personal responsibility. Many have but unfortunately too many have not. We are all in this together and if everyone will do his or her part, together we will get through this.
The Civil Emergency Declaration also addressed what Sedalia Parks & Recreation was doing to help stop the spread of COVID-19. The closure of all parks and rec facilities to the public, closure of the playgrounds, and prohibiting the use of shelters were specifically outlined in the order.
This morning Sedalia Parks & Recreation is outlining what you can do and can't do in Sedalia Parks with an info-graphic and Facebook posts:
In order to prevent the spread of Covid-19, we ask that you follow the guidelines listed below when in our parks:
• Avoid touching surfaces. Therefore facilities such as playgrounds, bathrooms, shelters, ball fields, basketball courts, volleyball courts, tennis courts, and the dog park are closed until further notice.
• Maintain at least six feet (6’) of distance between all individuals that are not family members.
• Avoid activities that share equipment or involve touching.Examples of things you can do in the parks at this time:
• Walking/running
• Walk your dog
• Ride your bike
• FishingPlease follow all CDC guidelines in regards to Covid-19 prevention.
View our website and Facebook pages for updates. We will also send out updates through our Textcaster service. We appreciate your patience and understanding during this difficult time.