Do Some Good This Month By Donating to Sedalia’s Menards
People around town are always looking for a little something they can do to help their fellow man. I always see boxes and bags at the Open Door, and the Little Pantry over on Warren gets filled daily by Sedalia do-gooders. And now, there's another place you can drop off some items for those in need: your Sedalia Menards. Here's the scoop:
Menards home improvement store in Sedalia is serving as a drop-site for local food pantries during the month of March. They are accepting non-perishable food items, such as boxes of cereal and cans of soup. The donations will stay local in the Sedalia-Pettis County area.
So, when you're out doing your shopping, why not pick up a couple more things to drop by their site. Of course, you can still drop things off at the Salvation Army or the Open Door or where ever you want to. But I know that sometimes I will pick up a grocery item or two at Menard's (to avoid the People's Republic of Walton), and to have a little reminder to help someone else while I'm at it is always welcome. After all, I don't really go to the neighborhood the Open Door sits in, so it can be easy to forget if you don't get a reminder.
Sure, I may not have a whole lot, but I'll pick up a couple extra things, why not. Let's get this going, people! Give them a call if you need some more information at 827-2590. They'll be taking donations through March 31st.
Givingly yours,