Does Anybody Drive The Speed Limit On Main Street?
Don't get me wrong. I'm guilty. Definitely.
I go down Main Street all the time, because I want to avoid the traffic. If I'm leaving the People's Republic of Walton or something, I'm not going down Broadway. I don't care if it's blocks out of my way, I'm going down Main Street. I guess it's mainly because there are no stop signs or lights for most of the way... but it is definitely less crowded, too.
I was driving down that way earlier and this big old thing that looked like OJ's Bronco was bearing down on me. Of course, I'm spiteful so since he was in such a hurry I decided to slow down a little. I got to thinking, "Well, if you're gonna be a jerk, I can be petty, too." Then I realized... I was already going forty. I was already speeding, and this guy wants me to go faster? Yep. In fact, he PASSED me by the Casey's and put the pedal down to what had to have been about sixty. I'm pretty sure the speed limit through there is twenty five or thirty, or somewhere in that range.
I was going to get more annoyed with this random dude, but then I reminded myself: you were speeding, too, you know. You're just as bad, by the law. You get super annoyed if anybody is going five miles below the limit. I started to think about it and I got to wondering, just how often I push the speed limit by two or three miles. So I tried forcing myself to go exactly the limit or a mile under, to see what would happen. I did it about four days in a row last week, and without fail, I was passed every time - mostly when the road expanded to allow passing on the left.
So was I there just at the wrong time, or does everybody speed along Main Street? Do you have spots around town where you catch yourself going a little too fast?
Speedily yours,