Have You Ever Tried Cooking Your Thanksgiving Turkey In The Crock Pot?
So, I'm not a natural cook. I'm not saying I can't cook, I'm just saying it doesn't come as naturally to me as it does to other people. I don't tend to have much skill in that arena. I guess it just doesn't come naturally to me. I can do it, I just don't tend to do it on the regular, if you will. I tend to pull out all the stops maybe once a year: Thanksgiving. So here's what I might be doing, and you can let me know what you might do.
One year I made a turkey in the crock pot. Now don't get crazy, it's not a whole gosh darned turkey, just a big turkey breast piece. That just shows you how lazy I am, I guess. The idea is, you coat the inside of it so it doesn't stick. I buttered the bejezezus out of the pot itself. Then you chop up half an onion (I bought a white vandalia, I prefer that to the red or yellow) and put that on the bottom (I can use the other half of the onion with the salad, maybe). After washing and patting the turkey breast dry, I will transfer it to the crock pot. I'll coat the outside of the turkey in some light extra virgin olive oil, salt and pepper, and two cloves of grated garlic. I'll also put in some carrots and celery and turkey stock. Where I'll cook it on high for an hour to be sure of safety in terms of bacteria. Then, I will cook it overnight for about ten hours on low.
Thursday morning, as soon as I wake up, I will move the crock pot from low to "keep warm." Then, I'll begin preparing the side dishes and such like the peas (with butter and shallots), corn, stuffing (made with turkey stock instead of water), gravy (also with stock instead of water), and scalloped cheesy potatoes. If I feel like we need more, I'll bake up the other roll of croissants, too.
When I've got that under way, I'm going to remove the turkey from the crock pot to let it rest for at least a half an hour. Then, I'll cut up the turkey into portions and put it back into the crock pot after draining off some of the turkey stock. It'll still be on "keep warm" so the turkey should be good and warm and hopefully tasty. Last time I did this it worked out pretty well, although it looked a bit like turkey soup when it was just hanging out in the pot.
So what are you doing for your main course this Thanksgiving? Are you doing something new or something tried and true? Tell me all about it!
Turkily yours,
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