It’s 1996 All Over Again: Remembering The Smashing Pumpkins
You'd be surprised how little reminiscing I do on a daily basis, considering I work at a place where I play people's memories all day long.
I remember when this record came out. It was a huge deal, and a lot of my little geeky friends and I would talk about the decor and the track listing and "why did he wear that "zero" shirt all the time" or what our favorite line was or did we did we think they had really played all the instruments or did Billy just do it all again and why did he shave his head, etc etc.
I had a "zero" shirt, too. I wore it even throughout college. I was a big fan ever since I saw this video.
I remember fighting with other geeks about whether or not they were just a tailcoat band of Nirvana like all the others, and over whether or not Billy's whiny quality was a detriment or a distinction, and even over the fact that I did NOT think that he had written as much of the Hole album Live Through This as it was implied he did.
I also really liked Adore, and I recall they did a song for the Lost Highway movie that I really liked as well. They kind of lost me after Machina, even though i liked the addition of Melissa Auf der Maur.
Fun fact: if you go and watch that first video (or watch it again), you'll notice I hope that the couple in it is none other than real life wedded couple Tom Kenny and Jill Talley from Mr. Show, one of the best sketch comedy shows of all time, no exaggeration.
Also, they both do voices for none other than...Spongebob Squarepants!
Pumpkingly yours,