What’s Sedalia Doing For New Year’s Eve?
Well folks, I don't think I have to tell you that the end of the year is... well, nigh. If that's a thing people still say.
But then, a lot of things have changed over the years. It used to be there was scuttlebutt every which a way for parties or special plans on New Year's Eve. And while I do live under a rock, it doesn't seem like I hear much about those anymore. Maybe things have changed a bit since the pandemic.

I'm sure it's not because I'm old now and fall asleep at like, 9:18 on New Year's Eve. I mean, I stayed up last year! NJ and I went to an event at the Art Room, and it was fun. I still have the mug I painted. Anyway, I'm going to be chilling with some friends in Warsaw (where apparently ya'll have a lot more recreational cannons than I had anticipated...more on that possibly later). Nothing super crazy. I bet NJ and I will be home and in our comfy clothes by like, 9 p.m. tops.
But what about you guys? What are you doing for NYE? I asked you on our Facebook page, and... well, we had some varied responses.
What Sedalia Is Doing For New Year's Eve
Dan B
Running in the morning with Sedalia Runners Club-Run Group, working out Brian's Gym Sedalia 24hr, then watching bowl games with Valerie. I’ll be in bed by 8:00!
While I think you might beat me to dreamland this year, you probably do more running and working out before noon than I do all day, Dan. Just a guess.
Erin P
YES! A lot of people DO have to work Sunday night. So if you're out and you encounter them, be nice! In fact, be on your best behavior. They deserve it.
Becky C
Going to the Moose with family and friends to enjoy a good dinner and wonderful band. Have designated driver.
See, now this is a smart way to go. That way you can be around good people, have fun, and get home safe.
Susu E
Staying home. Safest place to be! We'll have charcuterie board snacking and a lot of relaxing.
I mean... I do love a charcuterie board.
Debbie F
Go to bed at nine as is usual …..too many drunks out on the road
I mean, she's not wrong.
Corissa B
Staying home with my kiddos! Best place to be is with family.
Awww, ain't that sweet? And it's pretty much the general consensus when it comes to "going out" plans. Our plans appear to be...staying the heck home.
No matter how you celebrate, be safe, have fun, and I'll see ya next year.
Celebratorily yours,
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