Okay ya'll, we knew it was gonna happen, so let's just get to it!I'm one of those people who always wants to try new flavors, scents, textures, whatever is up on offer.  So when I saw this, I, admittedly, was probably more excited than I should be.


Cheetos has a new flavor out, and it's called Cheese Pizza. They put a statement out that said the following:

"From mac ‘n cheese to Buffalo wings, Cheetos is known for leaving its orange-dusted mark on game day favorite meals. And now, the brand has mischievously set its sights on pizza. Combining elements of a classic cheese pizza — cheese, tomato flavor, and herbaceous notes of oregano and Italian seasoning — Cheetos Puffs Cheese Pizza Flavor gives fans a new way to enjoy this iconic dish."

Sure, sounds great! I like Cheetos, and I like pizza,  my gut is proof of that.  So why wouldn't this be a great idea!  Let's try it.


Not a super strong smell at first.  Just a generic cheesy smell.


I was looking to see if they were going to do that thing where they pretend there's more to this than there is, by putting like, green flecks on them or somethin.   But they did not do that very thing.  Which is fine.  We don't need to get pretentious here.

The problem is, though..... there is nothing special about these.  I don't get a huge "pizza" flavor from them.  It's almost like someone got a good idea, and it got watered down over the process.  It's not as strong as a pizza flavored Pringle or a pizza flavored Combos.  It's as if someone made a pizza next to the Cheeto factory, and there's just a little bit of residual taste.

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Don't get it twisted.  They're Cheetos.  They're still salty, cheesy goodness.  They're just not super exciting or flavorful.   If you wanna try em, you probably won't feel like you got ripped off, but I doubt you're gonna be sad when these are gone.  They're not going to replace regular Cheetos or Flaming Hot Cheetos on your snack favorites list. They're not any better than the regular kind. In fact, if they're more expensive and I had a choice... I'm skippin it.  I'll just get a bag of the regular ones.

I guess I don't get the point of this whole thing.  I mean, sure, people might buy them for the novelty, but... I doubt this is going to be one people remember in a few months. Seems like a colossal waste of time and money to me.  But hey, like I said, they're not BAD.  They're still Cheetos.  I just don't see anyone going "Oh, you remember when they did a Cheese Pizza flavor?! That was amazing!"

No. They're going to say, "Huh? When did they do that?"


So what do you think?  Did you try them?  Do you want to try them, or will you give em a pass?

Cheesily yours,


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