Damage It Myself Part 5 : The Search For Curly’s Gold
Alright folks, I've seen you guys out and about in town, and alot of you are doing and thinking the same thing I am.YEP, everyone else seems to be on the same page - it's DIY Time. Now just in case you don't know (and you might not, my former neighbor didn't), DIY stands for Do It Yourself. So when I see a ton of you guys out at Sutherlands or Lowe's and hear ya'll hammering and drilling or whatever in the neighborhood, I know you're on the same page as NJ, Dad and I.
So. Where are we in the process of this huge DIY project in my house? Let's take a second to remind you.
It began easily enough, just two people working on a foyer. Looking back on it... I really thought we'd be done in a "couple of weekends".
BUT, the professional interlude went quickly enough, even if it was stressful.
So, where are we now, you ask, gentle reader? Let's get into it.
Damage It Myself Part 6
So again, the folks helping us were all great at Lowe's, Menards', Sherwin Williams.... and also, quick shout out to Best Carpet Care, who totally revived my ancient carpet. So, now that we've done all that... there's just the rest of it to do. What's that, you ask? Oh, sure. Just all the woodwork.
See, we had our contractors remove the woodwork so we can start sanding off the paint and all that good stuff. Then we'll just have to piece it back onto the walls bit by bit.
And that will take... oh, who KNOWS how long. I literally have no idea. But, at least the house is somewhat like a house again. I think that's the best part.
What kind of DIY projects are you getting up to this time of year? What was the biggest DIY project you've ever taken on?
Paintedly yours,
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