Getting Artsy Is A Lot More Fun Than You’d Think (I Know, I Tried It)
I used to do art stuff when I was young. Nothing monumental or, you know, good, but I tried. I remember painting masks. I remember tie dying t-shirts. But I wasn't someone you'd look at and think, "Wow, Artist."
As my high school art teacher said, I was "very good at selling candy" even if I didn't have time for an art class (I took Orchestra, and I was pretty okay at that). I was in the Art Club and all that. I had all the t-shirts, went on all the field trips, you dig it. But I can't say I've really tried to do anything artsy or creative like outside of little things for a long time.
So I was colored to be intrigued when I was invited to an event at The Art Room here in town for New Year's. I mean, I love trying new things, so why not?
I should have taken more pictures, if I'm being honest. But I wanted to be present in the moment, you know? Anyways, India and Teresa were great, and everyone there was so nice. I was a little nervous about basically walking with NJ into a group of strangers, but those nerves were quickly squashed.

Basically they have these events all the time, where groups like birthday parties or baby showers or work bonding events happen, and people get together and paint on ceramics or whatever they want to do. I totally painted a mug and it looked somewhat deece considering it was me. NJ did an "Evil Santa" mug, which was amusing. I thought he might be a little skeptical of having a night of crafty fun on NYE, you know, instead of going out and guzzling beer and committing misdemeanors, but he was down.
So anyway, I'm telling you about all this because they have a couple of new things coming up and I thought I'd tell you about them. You like fun, I like fun, so since we have that common interest, here we are.
On January 17th, they've got two classes of what is called a Slipcasting Workshop. Basically you're learning how they make ceramics. And you can choose between an earlier afternoon class or a night class, whichever is your speed. And a few days before that, on the 15th, they're doing a Stained Glass Course! I'll let them explain that.
Join us to learn the basic foil method and create something jaw dropping! Only $400.00 for a 6-week class, your own set of tools, supplies, and instruction. Classes are on January 15th, 22nd and the 29th, and February 5th,12th and 19th. From 1-4 p.m. Participants will also create a beginner's project and another project of their choice may be completed at no extra cost at the end/after the course has ended.
Now before you start squawking about the price, keep in mind that's a six week, three hour course, with all supplies included, and you get two projects out of that. It's basically about $60 a session, or $22 bucks an hour, give or take if you break it down. And you're learning a skill that is going to be heckin useful until the end of your days. Don't believe me? Let's go into the theater of your mind, shall we? A journey into a wondrous land of imagination.
Imagine your family and friends at Christmas time. Everyone is gathered around the tree, opening presents. Your sister in law opens her lovely cashmere sweater and thanks you for the thought. But she looks slightly disappointed. Why? She thought you'd make her a little something out of stained glass, since you learned how. Fast forward to her birthday - you present her with a lovely piece you made yourself. The entire family is gobsmacked! Awed! Impress-ed! As everyone softly touches it and sings your praises... your Mom pulls you aside and asks if you can make her something for her birthday. Then you hear from Uncle Rick a few weeks later. Then Cousin Sidney. Then your head of Accounting. Then, the piano player's assistant at Sunday School. Soon, you are known as the Stained Glass Expert and people refer to you in hushed tones. You never have to buy a single gift ever again in your life, because you took a class at The Art Room.
See? Useful. And fun! Anyway, if you feel like finding out more or signing up, here's the link!
Artsily yours,
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Gallery Credit: Stacker Staff
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