Help SCHS’s FBLA Help Sedalia’s Seniors This Valentine’s Day
For a lot of people in our area, Valentine's Day can be a lonely time. But, it doesn't have to be! You can help a local Smith Cotton student in his mission to help our area senior citizens.
Gannon Perkins is a senior at Smith Cotton High School. He's working with the Future Business Leaders of America to get some items donated to our senior citizens in time for Valentine's Day. Here's what he and his group are trying to do:
Our projects goal is to spread the love to the nursing homes around Sedalia. We know that not every senior in nursing homes have someone to look forward to seeing on Valentine’s Day so we are trying to make sure they have something to smile about as well. I am hoping my community can help me out and donate some items as well. Every little bit helps. If you have old board games that you don’t play or playing cards or even just 5 dollars to spare, it would mean the world to me. There will also be boxes at the elementary schools next week so if you would like to send items with your kids, you can.
Items to donate that they need are things like blankets (who doesn't want a nice snuggly blanket when it's super cold outside), games, cards, books, puzzles, candy, Hostess treats (Twinkies, Cupcakes, Ding Dongs, Brownies, Zingers, Ho-Ho's, Snowballs, Fruit Pies, Baby Bundts, you know, those little individually wrapped sweet treats. I bet they'd even take Little Debbie Zebra cakes, stuff like that. Just as long as they're able to be distributed to each person individually wrapped, without anyone touching the treat itself), and hygiene products. I'm sure you know the basics for hygiene products, but you might also think about adding things like no rinse shampoo caps, rash spray, no rinse wet wipes, incontinence underwear, and waterproof bed pads.
So please, if you can, help Gannon help our seniors this Valentine's Day. There will be boxes in all the elementary schools, so if you can send stuff with your kids, that works. If you can't, there will be a walk in drop off box at Superior Auto Service at 620 West Main Street between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. They'll be closed for lunch at noon, but you can donate any other time.
Valentineingly yours,
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