I Found Another Sedalia Song – But This One Is… Very Specific
I did that thing where I put "Sedalia, Missouri" into YouTube again. And this time, I gotta admit, it wasn't creepy or strange or anything, it was just cute!
This is a song specifically for a kid named Connor, who I'm assuming lives here in Sedalia. It was so cute, and I was humming along by the end. So I wondered to myself, since I live under a rock, why was the song made? I looked in the "about" section and didn't see anything. Then, I looked at their videos, and... they've made so many. About so many different kids!
SO, that means I'm Googling this, immediately. Turns out, this is a goodwill/charity organization that makes these specific songs for kids. Here's the quote from their website:
The Songs of Love Foundation is a national nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization that creates free, personalized, original songs to uplift children and teens currently facing tough medical, physical or emotional challenges. Each “song of love” is professionally produced with lyrics containing the child’s name and references to all of his or her favorite activities, things, people, and pets. Songs are written and performed in any language in the musical style that the child likes best (kids, pop, R&B, rap, rock, alternative, etc.), by many talented singer/songwriters. Each “song of love” is delivered pre-loaded on our Song Of Love USB 8GB drive.
Turns out, they've been doing this since the nineties. And they don't charge anything to the parents for it, either. It's just such a wholesome, comforting thing for these kids going through struggles. I admit, I was thrown off when I first heard the song - I thought, Who The Heck is writing a song about some kid? But now that I know the story behind it, I love the idea. Maybe you should check them out and make a donation!
Anyway, I'm not sure who Connor is, but I hope he's doing great out there. The song was put on YouTube last year. I did a little searching and didn't find much, but then, why would a little kid have an online presence? He sounds like a cool kid. I like Spiderman, too.
Singingly yours,
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