If your nickname was anything like Casper in high school (as mine was), chances are, you know what it's like to be the palest of pale. With spring approaching quickly, you may be feeling anxious about having to go to those barbecues, picnics, and/or other outdoor gatherings without checking into solutions for the sun-glow challenged. So, how do you get a tan and tan quickly? In a culture that puts so much emphasis on society's view of beauty and with all of today's choices, what do you do?

Here are your main choices: a spray tan, tanning beds or booths, or over-the-counter lotions.


There are tons, and I mean tons, of sites dedicated to explaining the risks and supposed benefits of UV tanning. For instance, Web MD, has dedicated three pages to tanning myths. There, you can find everything from melanoma (skin cancer) facts to vitamin D and aging issues associated with tanning.

When it comes to spray tans, there are other facts to consider. According to livestrong.com a person should avoid inhaling the fumes while getting a spray tan, should be aware of staining, and offer only short-term results.

As far as over-the-counter sunless tanners, use at your own risk! I say this because I’ve had bad experiences trying to get even coverage and looked like a blotchy cheese puff for about two weeks.

So, what do you do if you want that sun-kissed glow? Do the research to become educated about health risks and make a wise choice. If not, sooner or later, you’re going to have to accept the beautiful pale you that you are.

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