2018 Bloggin Recap: 9 Posts You Thought Were Funny This Year
As of right now, I have written over 2000 blogs for this website. That's over the years, of course. And yeah, it sounds like a lot. Two a day adds up over the years, I guess! So I got to thinking when I saw that number, and thought, "Just what the heck have I been writing about, anyway?" I mean, I remember what I write and stuff, but I guess it can all get to be a blur when you're thinking of a longer period of time. So I decided to just review what I've written this year and pick out some favorites/least favorites/ones you liked/ones you hated, etc.
Today's edition will be some of the blog posts you guys thought were funny this year.
Sedalia Librarian Is Not Having Any of Your Nonsense.
I like a funny license plate. And this was literally just parked next to me at Woods'. I thought for a second maybe I shouldn't take a picture, but... they put that for people to see it. So it was just spreading some giggles, right? Right.
Sedalia Has Some Interesting Shapes From Above.
This was a bit weird, I'll admit. Sometimes it's hard to find things to write about (especially when you've written so many about so many different things). And sometimes, you just get a little weird. Google Maps was there for me in the clutch, though.
Five Things You Won't See At Kidabloo.
I got silly with this one. Once the idea of giant spiders "overbooking" themselves got into my head, I just laughed for like, ten minutes. Once I started, I couldn't stop. Things got sillier and sillier, and sometimes I guess you just need to cave in to it.
Behka and Jenn Take The Hobby Lobby Challenge.
This was completely Jenn's idea. She'd seen people do it online, and I'm not that hep to keep up with that kind of stuff. But people seemed to like it! Even the girl at Walgreen's told me she liked it when I bought my multivitamins.
Detective Behka And The Case Of The Wireless Keyboard.
This was a saga for most of the day. It was really a problem for our poor receptionist. I had no idea why someone would take out the little plug thing. I think approaching everyday stuff like this and turning it into something kind of silly is fun.
You Can Buy Sedalia In Tablet Form.
This one fell into my lap. I had no idea this stuff existed. I was half tempted to buy some, but I don't like to waste money.
Salty Sedalia Resident Serves Some Sass At Graffiti.
This is another one that I just saw as we were driving by. I was on Third street with Husbando and made him circle around so I could get a picture. People tell me now that the graffiti "Salt" means like, heroin or something. It was fun to see a person who'd been "assalted" turn the situation around.
It's So Hot In Sedalia I Baked Cookies In My Car.
I had always heard about doing this, but I had never done it. Finally I was out of ideas, it was a hot day, and dagnabit if I didn't bake cookies in my car. They were pretty good, too. Took a lot longer than I thought, though. I was worried they wouldn't cook fully and that it was taking too long, but it turned out pretty good!
What have been some of your favorite funny posts this year? Let me know if you would add something to this list!
Laughingly yours,
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