4 Ways To Beat Morning Grogginess
I've been getting up early and going to bed early for ages. It's just part of the gig. And that's fine. Some days are harder than others, and sometimes I have to battle morning grogginess. Technically it's called "sleep inertia". It always takes a few minutes to really wake up and get going, and after I caught myself still being a little groggy at work, I decided to try to take action.
So I read a bit on the internet, and I tried a few things I read. Here's what's working for me.
1. Drink a glass of water.
It makes sense when you think about it. If you've been asleep for eight hours, that means your body has been dehydrating for eight hours. At work I'm always sipping on a water every few minutes, same as home. Getting a quick water boost in the morning will help with that.
2. Have a schedule and stick to it.
Over the years, I've had varying bed times. Sometimes I went to bed as early as 8:00 p.m. Now it's a little later, but I've found that if I make myself go to bed at the same time every night and wake up at the same time every morning (no snooze on the alarm), it helps. I guess it's telling my body, time to get up now, might as well get used to it.
3. Make the morning a little easier.
Since I do sometimes feel a little out of it in the first few minutes after I wake up, I find it's easier to get as much as I can done the night before. That means if I'm working on auto pilot for a few minutes, I can just kind of walk myself through the morning. My clothes for the day are picked out and in the bathroom the night before. My shoes and bag are in the same place every day so I don't have to search for them. That helps me wake up a little easier and reduces confusion.
4. Adjust your dinner.
If you eat super late, your body might not get to sleep as easily because it's digesting your dinner. I've found that the sweet spot for Husbando and I's dinner is somewhere in the 6:00 p.m. area. That gives a solid four hours or so before I go to bed. Sleep is so important to recharging your system, so anything you can do to get better sleep will help you in the morning.
How do you battle sleep inertia? Or do you even have to deal with it? What gets you going in the morning?
Intertially yours,
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