The Vitamins and Supplements We Take Keeps Increasing
Resveratrol, the compound in red grapes and peanuts already touted for better heart health, may possibly slow the decline of memory as people get older.
In an experiment performed on aged rats, Ashok Shetty of Texas A&M Health Science Center College of Medicine found that this antioxidant was beneficial in improving both spatial learning and memory.
Meanwhile, rats not given resveratrol experienced a marked decline in these functions over a two-year period.
Furthermore, resveratrol helped the rats grow and develop more neurons than the control group as well boost blood flow in the brain and reduce inflammation in the hippocampus, which is responsible for memory and spatial navigation.
Shetty and his colleague were excited about the results and suggested that resveratrol treatment during middle-age will not only stave off changes in memory and mood but may also be used to treat Alzheimer’s patients.
This sounds pretty good, right? Every new thing I read about advancements in medicine seems in pill forms. There are so many different things you can take or add to your food or whatever to try to be healthier these days. I do take a few things that my Neurologist asked me to, like Vitamin D. Husbando and I also take potassium, and he has a fiber supplement. I wonder if something like a multivitamin is really working. So what about you? Do you take any vitamins or supplements? If you do, what do you take them to treat? If you don't, why don't you? Would you take a pill like Resveratrol? Let me know what you think in our new survey and you'll get points and prizes while we talk about it on the air!
Supplementally yours,