What Do You Use As Your Computer Background?
As with most people, I work with computers and I use them often at home.Heck, technically your phone is a computer, too. And we all love to customize our stuff, so it feels more like us. Husbando uses a certain picture of his cat as his lock picture on his phone. I don't do anything like that to my phone, but I do have different backgrounds on my work computers.
In my office, on my computer, I had a picture of the girls for a long time. But then I saw this one day, and it was just too funny not to keep:
I'm definitely Team Coco. It still makes me laugh when I see it. It's always good to have something like that at work, especially if you're having a rough day!
I have another profile I log into on my computer in the studio. I decided to go a little more personal with that one.
Awwww, ain't they cute. The girls look so grown up. And Husbando cleans up nice.
What do you use for your computer background? Do you customize it, or just leave it alone? Show me your photos or do a screenshot of your desktop!
Computingly yours,