America's national pastime? Baseball? Football? More like playing games on mobile devices.

Judging by the response to an online survey by the NPD group, we can't get enough of mobile gaming. Apparently about 44% of Apple users and 33% of Android users play mobile games on their phones.

As for the most active age group in this regard, it's kids two-to-12-years-old who play an average of five games daily.

However, what developers and marketers of mobile games are most interested in seeing is who's spending the money and that would be adults age 25-to-44 since they're the prime "decision-makers for their young children’s gaming experiences," according to the NPD Group.

The researchers say the explosion in mobile gaming is tied directly to the rising popularity of tablets as well as technological improvements. Consumers are more apt to buy games on tablets than either smartphones or iPod Touches.

The survey of 5,566 people also found that among the various platforms, the greatest proportion of time playing games was on mobile devices although 80 percent of the respondents also said they gamed on consoles and computers.

Well, okay then.  Let's see what you guys like on your mobile devices, laptops, computers, what have you.   Do you play games on your phone/computer? What do you play? Do you do games on sites like Facebook?  Why do you like that one in particular?

I know that I have one game I play, and I play it probably about five to six times a day, for maybe about five minutes or so each time. And I will be forever stuck on Chapter 8-7 for the foreseeable future because I can't seem to get any five star cards or any video cameras/lamb skewers to make JK be less mad at me and increase my affinity level.

Gamely yours,


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