Behka’s Enquiring Minds Recap: Week of November 10 [OPINION]
You guys, I love giving away prizes. It's part of what makes my job awesome. There's nothing like hearing someone excited to win, or seeing their face when they pick up a prize. But sometimes, you'll give someone a prize and, well... they don't like it.Maybe it's because they were looking for concert tickets, or they don't want to drive out of the city, or maybe they just really don't want what you've got. That's why I think it's so great that we do this loyalty program thing - so YOU can pick the prize that you want. Nobody's disappointed, everyone wins. That's part of why I like to ask you these Enquiring Minds surveys, so you can get some more points. Let's take a look back at some of your answers! On Monday, I asked you guys about your alone time. If you get an afternoon, evening, or even a whole weekend to yourself, what do you do?
I can entertain myself pretty good! Usually I watch something on TV that no one else likes while reading my paper, a good book or play games on my computer (my guilty pleasure!)
I'll do that, too - I love watching shows like Swamp People, and I'm the only one in the house that likes it.
Sit on the couch and think about all the things I could be doing and all the things that would be easier with no kids. Then I see an interesting show ( or one I have watched a thousand times) and do nothing.
I'm like that too - I'll think I should be "doing" something, but I end up napping.
Take a hot bubble bath, read a new book, or start a new art project.
See, now that's what I SHOULD be doing, but no. I'm too lazy.
On Tuesday, I asked you about sad songs. Apparently science has told us that listening to sad songs makes you feel better when you're upset. So, I asked you guys what some of your favorite sad songs are!
Tears in Heaven, rascall flats (cant think of the name)
Is it this one?
Bonnie Raitt, I can't make you love me
Everybody Hurts
Radiohead - Creep
amazing grace and seven spanish angles
stay by sugarland, broken road
he stopped loving her toady
Well, that's just some of em, but we also found another one you suggested.
That one song Elton John did about AIDS
This one?
Then on Wednesday, I asked you guys about the Holidays. I read that Kmart is going to be open on Thanksgiving beginning at 6:00 a.m. What do you think about things like this - is it going to affect your shopping this season?
I don't think so. I've got about half my Christmas shopping done, anyway.
Lucky. Well, I guess you're not lucky, you're prepared. Then there were those of us who just hate the idea of shopping.
Absolutely not. I'ts a day to spend with family, and I hate large crowds in stores. Very annoying.
I think it's ridiculous how early stores open. It's called Black Friday for a reason!!!
Yeah, it's really not "Black Thanksgiving", is it.
No. Only football and turkey
Now that's dedication, especially on the "no" side. Some of you were on the fence.
Maybe. It depends on if there's a really good deal. It would have to be amazing.
I could see if maybe they had tablet computers for $20 or something, but I don't think there's much that would make me want to get up even earlier than I already do. But some of you can't get enough!
Hell yes I would! I can't wait.
As usual, another question that had answers from all sides of it. For Thursday, I asked you guys about Social Media, in particular Facebook and Twitter. I asked you guys about the kinds of posts that annoy you in your Twitter or Facebook feed.
game feeds like farmville, slot machines and people you may know that you dont have any mutual friends with or even live in the same state as
Yeah, I don't think I've ever played a game on Facebook, but just about every day I get invited to one. And who's Ritchie in Portland? I've never been to Portland!
Any type of advertisement.
What gets me are the ones that kind of don't look like ads, you know? Like it's an article about something else, but it's "sponsored" by so and so.
I hate that passive aggressive thing - that "I guess nobody reads this feed" "I'm so tired of giving to people who don't give back" SAY WHAT YOU MEAN
I'm not an atheist, but people who post bible versus, etc. Usually I know they are not following their post. Some should do as they say, huh?
people say things about others that they would never say to their face
Oh man, those are some doozies. I do see that from time to time.
I wish people would take five seconds to see if a quote is real or if a article is true before they post it.
RIGHT?! Not every quote can really be from Marilyn Monroe, guys. And if you see any terrible headline that is from a paper called "The Onion"...... IT'S NOT REAL. If you suspect something's fake, it probably is. Search for the topic on a website called Snopes. They investigate urban legends and tell you if they can be proven true/false or if it's muddy.
Anyway, that's it for this week's Enquiring Minds. But, I'll have a bunch of brand new ones next week, so come back and take some more surveys. Make sure you go back and take any of the other surveys you may have missed and you'll get points to win prizes!
Curiously yours,