Sedalia Kiwanis Trivia Night Brought Fun And Some Head Scratchers [PHOTOS]
I've been a member of the Sedalia Kiwanis Club for about a year or so. Every six months, we stage a Trivia Night, and it's always a lot of fun. This latest installment was no exception! We had a lot of great players, and gave away a lot of great prizes - fun was had by all. Here's a look at some of the good times.
And we actually had a tie! Two teams both got 51 points, so everybody won a little something. You can always find out more about the Kiwanis Club and the things we do to help kids here and across the country. Come to a meeting at the Best Western hotel on any Thursday at noon to find out for yourself. Or, you can always call Bob at 660-827-5442 or e-mail us at
Trivially yours,