The Cat Assistance Team Adopts Out A…… What?
You'd think that Cat Assistance Team would work with... cats, right?
Well, think again, gentle reader! They mostly work with cats, but they also work with any kind of animal that needs help! They're a foster program that helps with the animals that the Sedalia Animal Shelter can't help - animals that may have diseases that can easily spread to others. They currently have 62 cats/kittens, 1 puppy, and a dog.
I got to talk with Monika Keele Monks, who is the founder, board member and president of the Cat Assistant Team, and she told me:
We have had one other puppy that just got adopted last weekend! It is not usual, but if an animal needs us, we help it. We have had a pig, and even a chicken that fell off a chicken truck and we got it off the highway and into to a farm! Usually when we get an animal that is not a cat, it is because that animal is in serious need of help. Usually it is not owned and has serious medical issues going on.
They're the group that you've heard about, the ones that go out and try to do the Trap, Neuter and Release program on the cats in Sedalia. It's all to try to control the population, but also to help keep the cats healthy. I know there are a lot of cats that are just "outside" in my neighborhood, you never know if they're someone's pets or if they're just strays.
But, don't think they're working through this alone. You can definitely help! They're currently working on a shoe fundraiser until the end of July. If they can collect 2500 pairs of shoes, they can fund two dental surgeries for cats in the foster group. They have drop off boxes located at Thompson Hills Animal Clinic, Sedalia Animal Shelter, Automaster's in Sedalia, all Casey's General Store in Sedalia, Calvary Episcopal Church, Christ & Trinity Lutheran Church in Sedalia, Stephanie’s Salon in Stover, and Healing Touch in Warrensburg.
They are also having a bake sale June 15 at Wal-mart, to raise money to help cover the vet bills. The volunteers in the group end up paying for a lot of the vet costs because a lot of their cases are animals with sickness or disease. Monika also told me about another fundraiser they're doing that sounds fun:
We are also hosting a Sock Hop style concert in August. Come Back Buddy, a 50's themed band, is coming from Arizona to do a concert in Sedalia, Columbia, and Jefferson City. The show in Sedalia will be to benefit us!
And, if you need some help with your neighborhood, you can email them at helpsedaliacats@gmail.com. And if you want to volunteer or find out more about the group and their events, you can always check out their Facebook page.
Doggedly yours,
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