I Need Some Suggestions To Use Up Our Thanksgiving Leftovers
This year I only made one dish for Thanksgiving.
As per requested, I made some spinach croissant wraps. They're basically just cream cheese, mozzarella cheese, and spinach. Tastiness.
My sister, though, made a ton of stuff. Smoked turkey and biscuit, mashed potatoes, stuffing, green beans, gravy, brownies, pies, you name it. She sent us home with a couple of bags of stuff. And soon after - like, by Saturday night - Husbando is already tired of turkey. I mean, seriously, dude? I made you like, two turkey sandwiches. It's not like we had turkey lunchmeat around before Thanksgiving. I deliberately avoid any and all poultry before Thanksgiving to make sure that doesn't happen.
Yet, here we are. Already tired of turkey. So what can I do to trick him into eating this? And don't say, "he's an adult, you don't have to trick him into eating leftovers" because yes I fregging do. For some reason this man almost detests eating leftovers of almost any kind. I can have perfectly good leftover fried rice in the fridge, and he'll still ask if we can order Chinese.
Don't worry, he doesn't read what I write on here, so we can talk about him however we want. He wouldn't be interested anyway, because it's not about Ghost Recon.
I maybe have an idea. Well, maybe a couple. I might try some turkey cheese dip, that might get by him altogether. Maybe I'll make a spaghetti, and instead of using ground beef, I'll just slice up the leftover turkey into the sauce.
Or I guess I could just pull a Beau Matthews and bring in my leftovers to work. Somebody'll eat 'em, right? Right.
What are you doing with your Thanksgiving leftovers? Are you re-purposing them or are you just eating them as they were?
Leftoveringly yours,
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